Given the uncertainty around the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve had to make changes to just about everything we do; where we work, how we work, how we keep in touch with each other and clients, and everything in between.

We’re committed to delivering the same level of service our clients expect while staying true to our guiding principles. In the coming weeks, we’re sharing what we’ve learned from being a ‘remote work-friendly’ studio for the last 11 years and what we’re learning about being a fully remote studio now.

The Remote UX Design Toolkit

We’ll continue to add content as we go along, including the following topics:

Interested in learning more? Please reach out if there’s a topic you’d like to hear our thoughts on.

Get In Touch

We wish you, your colleagues, and your families all the best during this difficult time. Stay safe, and stay healthy.

— The Fuzzy Math Team

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Work with Fuzzy Math
Small teams of passionate people working towards a shared vision.