Fuzzy Math was approached by Rush University Medical Center to design their new patient portal site to accompany their existing rush.edu hospital site. We’ve worked on similar health-related patient portals in the past including Microsoft Health Solutions Group’s HealthVault Community Connect and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital’s award-winning MyNYP.org. The experience and success gained from these previous undertakings gave Rush confidence that we will create a highly pleasant, consistent, and usable experience for their cherished patients.
The ultimate goal of the project is to provide an excellent web experience for Rush patients and make the Rush experience transcend beyond the walls of the hospital. The site will host an abundance of health information and interactive tools from ADAM, it will be based on the SharePoint platform to allow for personalization of content, and it will provide patients with electronic personal health records (PHR) through the use of EPIC MyChart.
We began our process with a user experience site review on Rush’s existing site and content, transactional feed providers, and competitor sites to generate specific ideas on how to bridge the look, feel, and experience of rush.edu and the yet-to-be-designed patient portal. We analyzed existing content and site structure of rush.edu and third party solution partners (MyChart and ADAM) in order to generate a set of site maps and process flows for MyRush. Our next step involved iteration over a series of wireframes of key pages on the site.
Currently, high-fidelity color graphic design compositions are being created from the approved wireframes and modules. The compositions are based on one of the two brand board options approved by Rush and their branding team. Our final step is to provide Rush with HTML/CSS/AJAX web page templates for each of the graphic design compositions.
Things are looking great so far. We believe we have overcome the design challenges and are well on our way to delivering Rush a successful, compatible, and super-awesome product.