Samsung Galaxy S1 vs. iPhone UX Review
An internal review of the S1 done by Samsung’s team, and released as part of the Apple vs. Samsung trial, compares their device to the iPhone and makes it clear that little details matter. The S1’s design overlooked various behavior patterns and possible UI states, contributing to a lessened experience.
20 Most Popular TED Talks / TED Blog
Ever wondered what the most popular TED Talks are? You’re in luck! A nice list of the 20 most popular TED Talks since they started.
Art of the Quite Interface / Web Standards Sherpa
Some tips on designing content to be engaging and distraction-free. Bottom line; give users space and time to absorb and appreciate good content. As recommended by this article, we used the blur test on a recent project engagement to compare effective and ineffective applications of visual hierarchy and page focus.
The Long, Strange Trip of Dock Ellis / ESPN
The story is interesting even if you aren’t into sports, but what’s more the design of the page is crazy. Rare to see so much design work go into a single story, and it really bolsters a long story like this.
Called the “Best Video Ever”, The Huffington Post sums it up pretty well. “A 9-year-old boy builds an elaborate cardboard arcade inside his dad’s used auto part store and has the best day of his life…The bigger picture is why discovery and amplification are two of the most intriguing elements of social web.”
Responsive. HTML5. Inline Validation. All the goodies baked right in. Great start, and can’t wait to see where it goes.
Why Microsoft Got its Logo Right / UnderConsideration
The colored window symbol has no skewing or morphing and presents itself honestly square with the viewer. It clearly conveys their product diversity and is reflective of a broader goal to create not just vision but experience. Having worked to better their product’s user experience in the past, Microsoft has made a bold and simple identity that puts people first.