It’s mostly all things mobile and tablet related for the Finds this week, with a dash or two of just plain awesome.
Responsive Design Patterns
Nice collection of patterns, resources, and news about responsive web design.
On Twitter’s New Look
Nathan Barry’s review of Twitter’s iPad redesign.
There’s a Phone Inside / Mashable
“They told us, but we did not believe them: The Oct. 5 print edition of Entertainment Weekly, which features a one-of-a-kind digital ad running video and live tweets, actually has a smartphone inside of it. A real, full-sized 3G cellphone inside a print magazine.” Crazy. Futuristic. (And probably annoying.)
Chosen (jQuery Plugin)
Probably been around a while, but was just using a site that utilized this and thought it was pretty slick. Lightly modifies a standard form dropdown to look cleaner and include a filter, so you can type in it and find what you want. Good for dropdowns with more than a few elements.
Magic Mirror
“This Magic Mirror lets customers try on a featured clothing item and then switches the color to help them determine their preference. The technology then allows customers upload their photos on Facebook or Twitter so friends can comment on which color looks best”
Bon Inver: Stems Project / Paste Magazine
In August Justin Vernon (Bon Iver) announced a contest in which fans, family, and friends had the opportunity to remix songs from his second album (Bon Iver, Bon Iver). Recently, the winners were revealed via an album release.