In the Tradition of Tutelage…

RileyGrahamHere at Fuzzy Math, we like to learn about students who are entering the field of user experience (UX) design and do our best to guide and influence them in the right direction. What better way to do this than to take a trip to a neighborhood college and meet some of these students in person? One of our “Fuzzy Mathletes” Riley Graham did just this during the summer semester at DePaul University’s College of Computing and Digital Media.

David Burns, who teaches HCI 530: Usability Issues for Handheld Devices, reached out to Graham and asked her to share her knowledge from working in the field. “He wanted speakers with real world experience working on mobile design,” said Graham, “so I was happy to do it!” She added, “I learned that today’s digital media students are very aware of the mobile landscape.” Graham taught students about the relevance of mobile design and how it can make or break UX for those who depend on having the world at their fingertips. She walked through all of the mobile apps she used when traveling to Boston for a work related client, identifying each little UX strategy the apps employed that made her trip easier. One major takeaway from presenting in front of this class, according to Graham, was that “the funny moments from my experience on the trip to Boston helped me connect with the classroom. We had a great time!”


We know our post on this isn’t the timeliest, (this event took place on August 7, 2014), but we wanted to share it nonetheless because it brings us joy
when we get to be involved with the young, growing community of UXers and mobile designers. Stay tuned for future posts about other speaking engagements and insights about our audiences.

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