Fuzzy Math is a unique team of individual talents that come together to do good work. We believe it’s the power of each of our diverse and exciting team members that sets us apart. This is the Fuzzy Math Spotlight, a series giving you an exclusive peek into the lives, pockets, and desks of Fuzzy Mathers.
Meet Madeleine Byrne
Role: UX designer
Time at Fuzzy Math: 9 months

Q: Where are you from originally?
A: Evanston, IL
Q: Coffee or tea?
A: Tea! I love coffee too, but I can only do decaf.
Q: What was the last book you read?
A: Why Fish Don’t Exist by Lulu Miller – highly recommend.
Q: If you could switch jobs with someone for a day, what or who would it be?
A: Probably a concierge – I love recommending restaurants and things to do.
Q: Do you listen to podcasts? If so, what’s your favorite?
A: So many, but my all-time favorite is Home Cooking with Samin Nosrat & Hrishikesh Hirway.
Q: What is your favorite item on or around your desk?
A: My ZZ plant for sure!
Meet Dylan Drooger
Role: UX designer
Time at Fuzzy Math: 2 months

Q: Where are you from originally?
A: Chicago, IL
Q: Coffee or tea?
A: Coffee. Some might say too much of it. I’ll drink tea when I’m sick though.
Q: What was the last book you read?
A: Reread a favorite – Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.
Q: If you could switch jobs with someone for a day, what or who would it be?
A: Someone who gets to work with monkeys.
Q: Do you listen to podcasts? If so, what’s your favorite?
A: Yea! 99% Invisible, or Revolutions with Mike Duncan
Q: What is your favorite item on or around your desk?
A: My deeply disorganized planner.